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Writer's picturea. Promis

The Origins Of Love

To truly understand the origin of love and compassion means to understand the interdependence of all living beings.

It means to understand that we are all part of one another.

On one hand, to know the origin of something gives one a better understanding of it. On the other hand, ignorance to the origin of anything will give way to its inevitable abuse, and love is far from the exception.

To know love and its origins, we must look to the book of beginnings—where it all began. To know, that love came from eternity and will eventually make its way back to eternity. Love is a spirit and it dwells in eternity. Before time, love was, and after time, it will still be. Love is the same, yesterday, today, and forever too.

It is apparent that love came into being by divine intervention. Love fell upon our reality to fulfill a purpose. So of course, it was left no choice but to manifest itself at that sweet blind spot of creation when it came onto the scene amidst the cosmic chaos.

Love’s Purpose

You see everything, even all of us, on this earthly realm are here for a purpose. If we did not have a purpose, we would not have been manifested in the eyes of divine timing. It’s the same reason that we are not simply here just to be a living being, but are here for a more clear-cut and unique purpose.

That purpose is to create love.

That is why we are here now, as a manifestation of love. Love was created for us and we were created to love. We were created from One’s certain image, and I am damn near positive that image was layered with shards of love.

The wisdom of love is within us all and it is infinite. But love has its seasons of which we must also be aware, and which is why it comes with its unique nature, outlook, demand, and gratuitous levels of graveness.

The difficult adjustments of life and love to these said seasons and their deaths are what better allow us to see love’s unconditional worth. This worth of course, makes it easier to undertake a creative activity that help love’s creation fulfill its purpose.

The misunderstanding of love and its seasons will ultimately result in its abuse. The abuse of something, such as love, impairs its purpose, and for this reason, the importance of divine intervention can never be stressed enough in every little situation.

A Time To Love

Because timing, and time itself, help to repair the purpose of healing ourselves and the landscape in which we are surrounded in the holistic sense.

Appreciating the importance of the little things that love and its celestial timing bring to the table, could be the most crucial aspect that distinguish our purpose on this earth. The nature of love operates with a remarkable sense of timing, which reveals the mystery of love’s essence.

And this essence of love is in fact, God. The sun knows when to rise and when to set, just as the birds and the bees know when to be wherever, whenever they need to be. For they see that love is not about the destination, as much as it is about its endless journey. A journey long, winding, and to be honest, often confusing as, dare I say, hell.

But we as human beings are essentially one with everything. And this we see in all the lovely little intricate and infinite signs that life shares with us every single day. In the nature of everything we find the essence of ourselves, every fawn, every blossom; every bird and wilting flower. These are all poetic metaphors meant to address the nature of our soul.

Metaphorically Speaking

These metaphors with their symbolic demeanor try to reach us by teaching us a fundamental truth of life. That we are part of an external exchange, that we are infinite transformations of pure beauty. They teach us that love and growth are all a part of the journey on the road to what we are meant to be.

They also tell us is that there is a season for everything. And that seasons change and blend together. But there is a path, unaffected by these seasons that lead our soul’s mentality in every which way but loose, yet, sometimes haphazardly in the direction of that what is within you, that being love.

See, there are times to be, and times not to be. It is how we see the world around us which teaches us that the only way to make things better, is to see things within yourself better. Perception, could be, perhaps the master key to the truth locked behind the door of you. Either way, you will start to see everything else as, better.

Maybe you’ll fall in love with yourself all over again. And once you look at yourself from the standpoint of your soul, you’ll become addicted to bettering you, and you’ll start to see that love is all around you.

Though love, like life, is a daunting path through the seasons of the soul, its summer, autumn, winter, and spring, or as in the desert, arid and hot, then damp and cold. But to come to understand these seasons enables us to prepare ourselves for the gardening of surprise conditions, while love grazes in the barren pastures of our hearts, with only the intent to feed the soul.

To Understand Love

Understanding that the timing of love is infinite is the springboard for finding our true purpose.

In the gardens of Psalm it says that we are all created for a purpose and we’re given an exact time to fulfill that purpose. When this time is not used for its manifested purpose, it is wasted and lost forever. What makes the issue at hand so critical is that at the end of our lives, we will all have to stand before the pearly gates and give an account of our time on earth.

But what if…?

All we can account for is what we’ve given. Because we only take with us what we give and all we can give is the sacrifice of ourselves.

Yes, we are all stewards of love, and love, much like time, does not belong to anyone, as we belong to it. As it with life, time begins when we are born and ends when we die. And though we may pass and time no longer exists, love keeps giving itself away.

But to waste time in the sense of idleness is suicidal to the creative spirit of love. Love is something that sets time and the spirit ablaze, burning it all away, as too shed a little creative light on the darkest corners of the mind.

At The End Of The Day

We are all given twenty four hours in a day, with seven days, making up a week. What distinguishes love from the other things is the premium one places on their purpose and how tall they rise amongst the confusing illusion that it takes to see that the journey is never-ending.

It’s about loving life every step on the way, it’s about finding and creating inspiration in the things that touch your soul. It’s about getting back to you, and finding the love that grows within you, and spreading it far and wide.

At the end ofd the day, our purpose and our very being constitute the very essence of love, and the only way for this purpose to truly be, is to be proud of what you are, as you are love in the infinite sense of all that is considered as pure and unconditional.

The origins of love implies that you are dividing yourself between the lover and the beloved. But if you find that point inside of you that is love, you will just become


You just have to remember who you are, and where you came from, which is what the confusing journey through the creative wild has always been about.

Yours Truly,


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