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Writer's pictureRyan Love

Somewhere Out There

Somewhere out there, at this precise moment, a half-assed buddha is hiding out in a temple deep in the Nevada wilderness sitting on a barstool countlessly reciting mantras for the decay of your pain to bloom into joy.

Somewhere out there, at this precise moment, someone you've never met is daydreaming about the reality of knowing what it's like to love you with all of their heart.

Somewhere out there, at this precise moment, someone is writing what might be the next great American novel that you will read in the next two years and it will change how you look at your own consciousness and the meaning of life.

Somewhere out there, at this precise moment, a saint and a sinner are on their knees in a stucco sanctuary instilled in endless prayer with hands clasped, praying that the Holy Spirit will light up the hearts of every last one of God’s children.

Somewhere out there, at this precise moment, an exhausted but high-spirited word farmer is talking out loud to the sky above while looking out the corner of his eye at all of the seeds he has planted in the hearts of people both near and far, while whispering over and over again, “let us continue to nourish them.”

Somewhere out there, at this precise moment, someone is dying to hug your neck, to kiss you good morning, to nourish you with some hot tea, while telling you that everything is going to be okay if you just remember to breathe.

Somewhere out there, at this precise moment, someone is longing to hear your story, wants to know every little thing about you, like what your favorite periodical element is, and wants to go to the movies with you just to see how much popcorn you can eat.

Somewhere out there, at this precise moment, someone is spiraling around and around your orbit, getting closer and closer with something vitally valuable to give to you—for absolutely free. So, be ready to receive it.

Somewhere out there, at this precise moment, a new idea in the realm of spiritual zeitgeist is coming to life that will change how our generation lives, communicates, heals, and passes it on to our children, before we move on to the great beyond above.

Somewhere out there, at this precise moment, the next great song, or anthem, if you will, is being rehearsed over and over again in someone’s very own heart and soul.

Somewhere out there, at this precise moment, someone is stuck in a very fucking uncomfortable Tuesday morning yoga pose, unintentionally sending love and light out across the universe from the chakra of their heart and wrapping its poetic power around the earth.

Somewhere out there, at this precise moment, millions of innocent children are assuming that everything this life has to offer is amazing and will always be that way. So, it's up to us to make sure they always know that they are loved unconditionally especially when shit goes astray.

Somewhere out there, at this precise moment, someone is moving around with an unrelenting amount of persistent pain, and somewhere soon down the road they'll be thriving and getting around like they never have before. But from where they are at this precise moment though, they can't see it yet, let alone believe it.

Somewhere out there, at this precise moment, someone who doesn't feel the need to be alone anymore and is ready to be acknowledged, someone who is ready to arrive where they are meant to be, will get precisely what they need when the right moment comes—and even more so. And because this gift from the heavens will be so extensive in its reach from sea to shining sea and it's rich sweetness, it will magically alter the world in which we live, while rendering the well-deserved solitude, as being “very much worth the wait."

Somewhere out there, at this precise moment, someone has recently split wide open again their joyful demeanor, genuine light, and good-hearted nature because they now realize that they did the hard inner work of hauling years of hurt and grief and oppression from upon their own heavy hearted psyche. And from this luminous juju will come wave after wave of ether to nourish your soul, and it will always be very easily accessible to you.

Somewhere out there, at this precise moment, someone is reading this and wishing for inner peace and harmony, in earnest, all the the way to the bottom of their subconscious soul.

Somewhere out there, at this precise moment, some dedicated slave of civil logistics is making sure that you get your junk mail from Amazon, that boundary lines and end zones are freshly painted for the Iron Bowl, that the turkey birds are stocked on the supermarket shelves, that your garbage filled with carcasses is picked up on Black Friday, that your biscuits and gravy are served piping hot on a frigid day in a diner cozied up next to the interstate, that all planes are in the air on time and do not collide, so that we are all generally safe from the madness of the looming busy ass weekend known as Thanksgiving.

Somewhere out there, at this precise moment, some conductor of a dream is warming up the engine upon the last train to heaven.

Somewhere out there, at this precise moment, someone is slowly getting back in touch with their sanity and purpose by focusing on their vision.

Somewhere out there, at this precise moment, someone has genuinely forgave all that was ever done to them that seemed so forever unforgivable.

Somewhere out there, at this precise moment, something is being aroused from a really really long and much needed slumber.

Somewhere out there, at this precise moment, someone is speaking into existence what it takes to make love stay in a world where it more often than not, doesn't.

Somewhere out there, at this precise moment, you and me and someone, we are all one.

And somewhere out there, at this precise moment, the time to wake up love has come.

From the bottom of my heart,

Ryan Love

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