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Shine A Light

Everything is going to be alright. You’re going to be okay. What you are about to read isn’t based on opinion. It’s not an educated guess.

I know the opening sentence sounds like some cheesy fucking catchphrase from some inspirational book that reads like it was written by a greasy ass televangelist. It ain’t that at all.

Out of sheer courtesy, I must warn you in advance though. These words are going to be a little on the obscene side as far as my way with them is concerned today.

Long story short, read to others, especially children, with a metric fuck ton of caution.

Everything’s going to be alright though. That’s the plain and simple truth. You really are going to make it through whatever shit you’re going through.

Just relax. Take a deep breath. You don’t have to do anything immediately to make everything alright. You don’t have to clasp your hands extra tight and pray, or close your eyes and meditate until next week to harness your Chi. You don’t need any of those hippie healing crystal thingamajigs. You don't need to burn any sage beneath this brand new moon, or to necessarily read any cheesy uplifting words.

In the depths of your soul, you can feel it coming though. You know everything will be alright, maybe not today or tomorrow, but it all will be eventually.

Yes, some days suck. The world is mostly fucked.

But you have an itsy-bitsy voice speaking to you right now. And this voice is reading these very words with you and saying to you, “okay, this crazy ass Ryan guy has a pretty damn good point. Everything is going to be alright.”

It isn’t a voice you can always hear. It’s a voice that comes from somewhere else not so familiar to here. The problem is, you can’t always hear this voice, most likely because you’re too busy letting your crippling anxiety call every damn play of the big game on the grandest of stages.

But believe me, the voice is there, always chirping away. And every time you take a few moments to breathe in a few deep breaths, you’ll hear it if you listen closely. It sings a sweet little love song, like one of them Bob Marley songs, softly from the cage behind your chest.

“Every little thing’s gonna be alright,” the voice will say time and time again. “Don’t worry, about a thing, cause every little thing’s going to be perfectly fine.”

Also, the voice says other things like: "Don’t feel ashamed of yourself. You’re pretty badass. Remember who the hell you are. You’re more than enough for anyone, and if you're too much for someone, wish them the best in their search for less. Because you're worth more than all the precious stardust in the universe combined. You’re a goddamn miracle. People adore the absolute shit out of you, with the possible exception of your ex."

Yes, you’ve been through some serious shit.

Yes, your heart bears the scars of all the private wars you’ve waged throughout your life. But you’ve survived each one of them. You have proven everyone around you wrong. You’re a fucking warrior.

Now I know you’re sitting there glancing over these words, wondering why you’re still reading this inspirationally obscene drivel, when it’s more than obvious the person writing this knows nothing about you, and/or, your situation.

But maybe you’re thinking too hard about how damn difficult the last couple days have been. Maybe you heard some news you didn't want to hear. Maybe the past few months have drug you back and forth through the mud. Maybe the last few years have left you in a state of utter heartbreaking confusion, or maybe even the last few decades. Hell, your entire life could be considered one gigantic shit show for all I know.

You’re also thinking about how you ask the universe for a sign that everything is going to be alright, but nothing ever happens. Your luck never changes. It's always the same old shit different day routine. You’re thinking about how you have tried to put one foot in front of the other for so long now, but it’s only getting harder to move your legs in the right direction, and now, you're lost as hell.

That’s when the little voice is practically screaming at you. “Don’t quit goddamnit. You’re almost there! You’re going to make it! The view is about to be more beautiful than you could ever imagine.”

Someday though—and I know there’s a good chance you can’t imagine this—every negative thing you’re experiencing today will cease to exist. Every last one of the feeble little problems that arise constantly in your life will vanish into thin air.

Of course, there will be new ones that come after those. Fuck them. Welcome them with open arms.

But the shit currently screwing up your life and making you feel down and out, will all fade away one day. The sun will shine. Bluebirds will sing. The sky will be filled with Spring and white fluffy clouds. And again you will hear the harmony of peaceful symphonies being composed in your heart and soul.

Your heart will no longer hurt. Your mind will feel light. Your soul will be at peace. Your life will once again feel nourished.

On that day, you will reflect upon this god awful winter of your life that you’re going through with a bittersweet smile. Because the hell you’re going through now, is what’s shaping you into the person you are meant to be. And you’ll be thinking to yourself, “Wow, okay, everything did turn out alright. That wise ass Ryan Love guy was right.”

Listen, I’m nobody whatsoever. And by now, you’ve hopefully figured out I don’t really know what the hell I’m doing. My shit show is just as messy as anyone else's. And I really don’t know how your life will play out, nor mine for that matter.

But I know that I too, have gone through some shit. I have seen some horrendous things happen to people in my life. I’ve done some really shitty things to people too. I am no saint by any means. And people have done me tremendously wrong just the same. I’m not all that different from you at all. Except for the fact that I’m balding at a rapid rate.

But I remember folks I hardly knew would try and tell me precisely what I’m telling you. “Everything will be alright,” they’d always say.

And it would take everything I had not to slap the shit out of them with one of my flip flops, because I thought they were colossal morons who really didn't give a fuck about what I was going through.

How could they know everything would be alright? What gave them the right to tell me such a thing. They didn’t know me. They didn’t know what I was going through. They didn’t understand the chaos that churns through my heart and soul on a daily basis. They were just peddling cheesy uplifting clichés from some self-help guru book whose only practical purpose is for burning to keep warm, or leveling a wobbly table with.

Even so. Those lovable buttholes that were trying to uplift me in their own little way were right. Everything did work out. And to them I apologize. You know who you are.

But then things went to shit again.

They always do. Life is a rather vicious cycle my choices have come to figure.

The same will go for you too I would assume, and all the shit you’re going through now is just making you that much stronger for the long haul through the other half of the shit show that awaits down life's road.

So for now, just listen with intent to that little infinitesimal voice.

Trust it.

It is looking out for you.

It wants you to see this whole thing through.

It loves you.

I think you know where this voice is coming from, so I feel like I don't need to tell you.

And it is reminding you ever so gently, that if you can just keep going for a little while longer, you'll be okay. If you can just keep putting one foot in front of the other through all of the muck, everything will be alright.

Because if you just keep shining a little light through one of the darkest nights of your soul...

All heaven is about to break fucking loose.


Ryan Love

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