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Writer's pictureRyan Love

A Note To Self

Updated: Nov 18, 2022

Force yourself to fall asleep earlier than you typically do. Start with 10PM, then 9PM, then 8PM.

Force yourself to wake up before you normally would. Begin with 6AM, then 5:30AM, then 5AM. Wake up every damn morning feeling revitalized and rejuvenated walking hand and hand with Circadian rhythm.

Walk outside, bundled up or undressed, however it is that the weather sees fit, and if your neighbors aren't up yet;)

Stare up at the pastel purple skies and the stars half asleep and speak a couple positive words to yourself for the day that lay ahead.

Make your way back inside. Brush your teeth. Fire up the tea kettle. Fill the French press with your favorite coffee as kettle starts to whistle. Pour in the hot water, and let it seep for eleven minutes and eleven seconds while assuring yourself of all the little blessings in your life that you are grateful for.

Get into the habit of cooking yourself a beautiful yet subtle, and very delicious breakfast. Lightly sauté some fresh vegetables in real butter and garlic, fry an egg, slice up a fresh avocado and squirt way too much lemon on it.

Think zest for life.

Maybe even slice a few wedges of vibrant grapefruit if you’re feeling fancy.

Sit and eat breakfast in absolute silence, do nothing else. Be the thankful for the food on your plate.

Stretch. Start by reaching your arms to the sky as high as you can, then try to touch your toes.

Do some light exercising for about half an hour.

Roll your eyes at the guy writing this for trying to tell you what to do;)

Stretch your fingers. All your little creative limbs, as far as they can go. Try and stretch them across the world if you wish to.

Buy a hydraflask. One of those obnoxiously humongous ones. Start by making yourself drink the whole damn thing before 8AM, then fill it up again and drink the whole damn thing again before lunchtime.

Go pee;)

Wash your hands.

Buy an expensive leather bound journal and a beautiful black fountain fine point pen.

Write down everything you do, even what triggered you in the negative sense, and what you can do to see past those triggers through the spectacles of positivity. Include what you ate throughout the day, what made you smile, what pissed you off, how much coffee and water you drank, what the weather was like, what to do with the day ahead. The week. The month. Or even whole damn year ahead of you.

Set your goals in place and get them organized as to help you follow through with them.

Because when it comes to however you do you, no detail is ever too damn infintestimal.

Strip your bed of your sheets and toss them in the washing machine. Wash them, and all of your clothes, then hang them in the sunshine with clothespins and care. Let your children run through them, or maybe just yourself, but like we did as children. Bask in the joy of their laughter and your own. Make your bed in full and freshly laundered.

Maybe take a catnap if you wish too, because I’m not sure about you, but I love a good catnap every now and again.

Make yourself a good ole fashioned peanut butter and jelly sandwich for an afternoon snack. Spread way too much of both delicacies all over it. I mean way too damn much. Make sure both delicacies ooze out from every side.

Go pee again. That was a lot of damn water.

Make your way outside again. Dig your fingers into the soil of your soul, plant a few positive seeds of hope in your own mental garden. Tend to their growth daily, and watch in awe as your own worth blooms with such positive affirmations everyday.

Organize your room, your office, your mindset. Fold all your clothes, clean your mirror, the windows to your heart and soul, your laptop, vacuum under all your furniture. Light a beautiful candle, all the while clearing out all of the mental clutter. And let the scent of clarity reign supreme.

Now, sit down with your legs crossed.

Breathe in. Breathe out. Three seconds in. Three seconds out. Repeat over and over again.

Practice your deep breathing.

Breathe even more deeper breaths.

Practice breathing in the good, and breathing out the bullshit a little bit longer everyday.

Breathing is, after all, pretty damn critical to our overall well being. And it is amazing what it does for our spirit when done right.

Think of something other than your own well-being while practicing your deep breathing.

Now stand up and blow a kiss to the sky, a sweet romantic gesture that says to the universe you're thankful for being alive.

Next, go for a run, or a bike ride.

Put on your headphones, turn the music up as loud as it will go.

Sweat however it is you see fit. Get that heartbeat pumping and your blood flowing. But be sure to sweat, and sweat some more, until you sweat it all out.

Go for a light walk around the neighborhood with your dog if that’s your thing.

Smile at strangers walking the other way and keep smiling when they smile back, maybe even make a little eye contact, and try a little small talk.

Practice working on your body language daily, as it speaks louder than any textual conversation or eye contact ever has.

Reach out to old friend with random, long forgotten personal jokes.

Reminisce. Reconnect.

Suggest to catch up soon, even if you don’t feel like following through. Make yourself follow through though. Old rekindled friendships and new connections are vital to the better days that lie ahead.

Next, think long and hard about what creative interests you have put on the back burner for way too long.


Learning to play a musical instrument?


Writing poetry?

Landscape Photography?

Find a book about it, read about it, study it. Take way too many notes on it.

There is literally a book for everything that will to teach how to do anything. Just make sure read something instead of sitting in front of the television all damn day.

Hell, there’s even a book for dummies that teaches you how to love one other without the conditions of expectation.

Next, take a steaming hot shower with your favorite music blaring loud enough for the neighbors to hear. Sing at the top of your lungs.

Wash your hair, scrub your body, brush your teeth, again.

Cleanse, cleanse, cleanse, and then, cleanse yourself a little deeper, try to wash away all the stains upon your old soul.

Strive to become the person you would ideally fall in love with. Let cars merge into your lane when driving. Take the scenic route. Stop and take pictures of all the little things along the way. Pay compliments to everyone gracefully.

After all, compassion is the most beautiful artform there is.

Make funny faces at babies. Lend a hand to a confused stranger in need of reassurance. Hold the door open for someone you don’t know. Dance around the grocery store, and maybe foot the bill for someone standing in line behind you with only a few items. Compliment people on their beautiful qualities. Gas up a stranger with love and light, and leave them to their own self-perceived insecurities to worry about.

Look them in the eye.

Ask them about their story.


Pay it forward, however small it may be, because you’d be surprised at the amount of positive energy these kind of little thoughtful daily mundane vibrations throw out into the universe.

Challenge yourself to not ridicule anyone whatsoever, yourself included, for a whole day. Followed by a week. Then a month. Hell, even a year, then maybe two, even three.

Because this kind of compassionate behavior, both inward and outward, my friends, is how unconditional love spreads like wildfire throughout the universe.

Walk outside again. Walk with amazing posture, keep your head held up high.

Always. Every single day.

Now close your eyes and say a few more positive sentences to yourself about yourself, and everything else around you.

Feel the sunshine glowing deep within your soul.

Visualize the days that lie ahead of you as if failure, denial, rejection, pain, and self-doubt were never an option, and never will be again.

Visualize it over and over again. See the dynamic of your dreams come to life in real time. And believe in what you see. Then decide what you want to be, and go be it.

Now open those gorgeous little eyes.

It’s time to wake up…


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